Singing Guide: Lord Benjamin Britten

Singing Guide: Lord Benjamin Britten

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Lord Benjamin Britten

Lord Benjamin Britten was a British composer, conductor, and pianist. He was a prolific composer of operas, orchestral works, and chamber music, and is regarded as one of the greatest English composers of the 20th century. Britten's vocal style is unique, with an emphasis on clarity and crispness of tone.

Lord Benjamin Britten's Vocal Technique

Lord Benjamin Britten's vocal technique emphasizes clear, crisp tone, and pronunciation. He places an emphasis on accurate pitching, articulation of consonants, and producing a bright, sustained sound. Britten made frequent use of vibrato, which he used to create a sense of tension and release in his music.

Songs Showcasing Lord Benjamin Britten's Vocal Technique

Practical Advice for Learning Lord Benjamin Britten's Vocal Technique

  • Follow the Pitch Training program on Singing Carrots to improve accuracy in pitching and rhythm.
  • Take a look at Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor to help develop your tonal vibrancy.
  • Practice vocal warm-ups that focus on resonance and breath control through the Pitch Training Game.
  • Study Lord Benjamin Britten's compositions and learn how he uses vocal techniques and tonal hues to create unique and memorable pieces.
  • Work on articulating consonants crisply and cleanly, particularly when exploring your vocal range.
  • Understand how to use the articulators to shape and project notes clearly.
  • Pay close attention to your intonation and clarity of pronunciation to cultivate a clean, well-enunciated sound.
  • Explore chest voice and the passaggio, how to shift into different vocal registers through Pitch Training, and learn to navigate the voice break with ease.


By studying Lord Benjamin Britten's compositions and experimenting with his vocal technique, you can develop the same clear, crisp vocal style that made him one of the greatest English composers of the 20th century. Use the practical advice and Singing Carrots resources provided to help you on your journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.